Your Heart Health e-News

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February 26, 2010

In This Issue
Early On, Hormone Therapy May Raise Women's Heart Risks
New Weight Loss Aid?
Kidneys From Older Donors Suitable for Seniors
Health Tip: When Baby is Born With a Heart Murmur
Happiness Protects Your Heart
Rising Use of Medical Technologies Extending Americans' Lives
County-By-County Report Sizes Up Americans' Health
Small Increase in Diabetes Risk Noted in Statin Patients
Today's Feature

Welcome to Dr. Caren and Dr. Urman's Heart Health e-Newsletter. 

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Health News

Early On, Hormone Therapy May Raise Women's Heart Risks

Study reports little coronary benefit, regardless of when treatment begins

THURSDAY, Feb. 18 Hormone replacement therapy does not lower the odds of heart trouble in women who take the regimen to ease hot flashes and other symptoms of menopause, a new study reports.

In fact, the researchers say, it will probably elevate the risk for heart at... Read the full article

New Weight Loss Aid?

In studies with mice, amino acid reduced fat deposits and boosted metabolism

THURSDAY, Feb. 18 An amino acid called isoleucine may play an important role in weight loss, a new study suggests.

Japanese researchers fed mice a high-fat diet (45 percent of calories from fat) for six weeks. After the first two weeks, the mice were divided into two... Read the full article

Kidneys From Older Donors Suitable for Seniors

More could be transplanted if doctors would put them on the list, study suggests

THURSDAY, Feb. 18 Too many American seniors who need a new kidney have to wait longer than necessary for a transplant, researchers say.

In a new study, Johns Hopkins researchers analyzed kidney donation data from 2003-2008 and found that one-third of patients over ag... Read the full article

Health Tip: When Baby is Born With a Heart Murmur

Usually, it's nothing to worry about

Some babies are born with a heart murmur, which is a noise that blood makes as it flows through the heart. Most often, heart murmurs are considered harmless, says the American Academy of Family Physicians.

A murmur is sometimes called innocent, and is only noticeable... Read the full article

Happiness Protects Your Heart

Those most content reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease, researchers say

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 17 People who are enthusiastic and content are less likely to develop heart disease than less happy people, researchers from Columbia University report.

In this prospective study of the relationship between happiness and heart disease, researchers con... Read the full article

Rising Use of Medical Technologies Extending Americans' Lives

Annual report on nation's health finds flaws, though, in weight, exercise and insurance

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 17 Surging use of improved medical technology, including new drugs, is driving up life expectancy for Americans and driving down rates of major killers such as heart disease and cancer, a new national health report finds.

At the same time, some things... Read the full article

County-By-County Report Sizes Up Americans' Health

Rural areas tend to fare worse than urban locales, comprehensive survey finds

WEDNESDAY, Feb. 17 Want to know how healthy your county is?

Now you can find out.

A new ranking of nearly every county in the nation shows significant disparities in the overall health of residents, depending on where they live.

Researchers from U... Read the full article

Small Increase in Diabetes Risk Noted in Statin Patients

For many, benefits of lowering cholesterol outweigh drugs' downsides, researchers say

TUESDAY, Feb. 16 The use of cholesterol-lowering statin drugs increases the chance of developing diabetes by 9 percent, but the absolute risk is low, especially when compared with how much statins reduce the threat of heart disease and heart attack, new research shows.

... Read the full article

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